Hair Weaving
Hair weaving, also referred to as hair replacement, can provide an individual, suffering from advanced hair loss, the appearance of having a full head of hair. Suitable for both men and women, this procedure does not inflict any damage on the existing hair. Its custom made to create the most natural look. Every hairpiece needs to go through mandatory sterilisation and hygiene process. It should provide good ventilation and should not abrupt normal hair growth. A silk thread is used to braid onto existing hair and then the hair piece is sewed onto the braiding portion. As hair weaving requires a great deal of expertise, it would be best to have a certified Trichologist decide whether you are the right candidate for Hair Weaving or not. When performed correctly, the result is a full and healthy head of hair that is fitted to look completely natural.
With the help of hair weaving, clients can regain their confidence, self esteem and youthful appearance.

Pictures provided by TK Trichokare.
